Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Do we have readers in Foggy Bottom?

Front page of today's Wall St Journal (to which I don't subscribe but which I happened to pick up in hard copy):
The U.S. and Iran are exploring a nuclear deal that would keep Tehran from amassing enough material to make a bomb for at least a decade, but could then allow it to gradually build up its capabilities again. Such a deal would represent a significant compromise by the U.S.... (Laurence Norman, "U.S., Iran Discuss 10-Year Nuclear Freeze")
I had no idea they were reading Howl at Pluto at the State Dept.          


Peter T said...

So when do you get your invite to the policy retreat? I hear the food is excellent.

e julius drivingstorm said...

I had no idea they were reading Howl at Pluto at the State Dept.

Whew! Better you than me.

Anyway, I didn't read the article but is the WSJ trying to point out that ten years is too short so we should just go ahead and go all John McCain on them now. How's that song go?

LFC said...

"I hear the food is excellent."

It darn well better be. :)
[btw, promised comment on oil coming later today]

"is the WSJ trying to point out that ten years is too short so we should just go ahead and go all John McCain on them now."

I think they save that for the editorial pages, tho i didn't actually finish the article either. I did glance at the editorials -- one criticizing Citibank for investing in green energy. Has to be read to be believed. I mean, I was speechless. Another one on how Moldova is standing up to Putin by naming a PM who is a Western-oriented businessman.

I shd really read the WSJ more often...